Sabtu, 5 Oktober 2013

Intelligent Building


Historical overview

There is a short history for the concept of intelligent building. It occurred initially in early 1980s. The definition of intelligent building has been evolving with different emphasis, mainly driven by the development of relevant technologies and the changing needs for the built environment. The short history is summarized below:
  • to 1985: intelligent buildings are buildings automatically controlled to function.
  • 1986 to 1991: intelligent buildings are buildings capable of responding to the changing needs.
  • 1992 to present: intelligent buildings are buildings with features effectively satisfying the changing needs.

A new approach

EIBG (European Intelligent Building Group):
Intelligent building is one that incorporates the best available concepts, materials, systems and technologies integrating these to achieve a building which meets or exceeds the performance requirements of the building stakeholders, which include the owners, managers and users, as well as the local and global community.
Also from EIBG but more often quoted:
Intelligent building is one that maximizes the efficiency of its occupants and allows effective management of resource with minimum life costs.
IBI (The Intelligent Buildings Institute, US):
Intelligent building is one that provides a productive and cost-effective environment through optimization of its four basic components - structure, systems, services and management - and the interrelationships between them.
SMART- ACCELERATE project, Intelligent Building is defined as:
An Intelligent Building is one that:
  • Provides a productive and cost-effective built environment through optimization of its four basic components - structure, systems, services and management - and the interrelationships between them:
    Focusing on the benefit of the owners and their desired indoor environment.
  • So as to maximize the efficiency of its occupants:
    Focusing on the benefit of the users and creating desired indoor environment for occupants
  • Allows effective management of resources with minimum life costs:
    Focusing on the benefit of the Managers and the environmental and economic impact of creating desired indoor environment.
  • The built environment should be productive, safe, healthy, thermally, aurally and visually comfortable.
  • The building has potential to serve future generations: sustainability, or adaptability over the life cycle of the building and safeguarding the earth and environment resources.
  • Financial aspect: the building can be built within some cost constraints whilst retaining market value.
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